Why All Athletes Should Consider Sports Massage

An athlete having a massage before the game starts

It doesn’t matter if you are involved in sports for competition or not, you likely have three main objectives – perform your best, avoid injury and recover quickly should it happen, and enjoy improved health and wellness. It might interest you to know that regular sports massage can help you meet all three goals and more. This is not a closely-guarded secret as many collegiate and professional athletic programs work with massage therapists to give their athletes an advantage. Here are a few of the reasons why you should consider massage if you are involved in any athletic endeavor:

  • Enhance athletic performance. A sports massage can reduce tension in the muscles, reduce muscle hypertonicity, and enhance the function of your soft tissue.

Why All Athletes Should Consider Sports Massage

  • Speed recovery. It isn’t just recovery after an injury that is important to an athlete. You also want to decrease muscle stiffness and fatigue after training or competing, reduce swelling, and recover heart rate and blood pressure after a workout.
  • Injury prevention. Regular sports massage can help you be in the best possible condition thereby preventing injuries.
  • Improve overall health and wellness. The general benefits that make massage beneficial for non-athletes are also an advantage for those that are active in sports. Relaxation, improved circulation, stress relief, and more that come from sports massage mean being healthier overall.

If you would like to know more about sports massage or you are ready to book an appointment, give us a call at Qi Massage & Natural Healing Spa in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. We offer a variety of massage therapies to give you a personalized experience that addresses the benefits that you need as an athlete and for general health and wellness.

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