When is a Couple’s Massage a Great Idea?

A man and a woman having their Couples massage together while holding their hands

The question, “When is a couple’s massage a great idea?” may seem like a trick question if your first reaction is to respond, “Seriously? When isn’t it?” The reality is that it isn’t always the best idea for the optimal massage experience. The reason is that two people may not approach a massage in the same way. One might want to zone out and enjoy the experience while the other tends to be chatty. Of course, if you discuss this ahead of time, you could come to a mutual agreement. There are some times that are perfect, absolutely perfect, for a couple’s massage, such as:

Perfect time for couples massage

  • Relax Wedding Day Jitters- The days leading up to the big day are stressful. Taking an hour or so to relax together in a couple’s massage can melt the jitters away along with the aches and pains that go with stress.

When is a Couple’s Massage a Great Idea?

  • Reconnect Time- Are you and your spouse feeling a bit disconnected? It is normal to feel that way when life puts so much on your shoulders and you feel like you are barely treading water at times. Taking a bit of time for yourselves, away from work, children, and friends could be the best way to reconnect.
  • Introduce to Massage- If you have a significant other or spouse who has never had a massage because they feel apprehensive about the process, schedule a couple’s massage so they can feel reassured by your presence and more comfortable about having their own private massage in the future. With all the benefits involved with massage therapy, this is an amazing gift you can give someone.

Here at Lotus 5 Senses Spa, we offer a couple’s massage experience that will provide an amazing experience for the two of you. And, for the record, a couple’s massage can be any two people – husband and wife, same-sex partners, moms and daughters, girlfriend and boyfriend, or even best friends. The term “couple’s” is a bit of a misnomer as this experience could  instead. Call today to schedule your massage appointment.

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